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Writer's pictureVictoria Richey

Meet the Wild and Wonderfour

So I feel as though it's only fitting that I introduce you to the four wonderful boys I'm dedicating this blog to! Not too much information, as you'll learn alot about them through my posts, but a small introduction into who they are!

Meet Liam! Our 10 year old with the personality of someone who thinks he's 20. Most of my life, I've been told that I have an old soul. I've always been more mature, connected with those older than me and was the "mother" of the group. This is a major trait that I've passed onto Liam. He is mature (for his age), caring and responsible. He loves helping out family members with work, especially farm work and yard work. (If only we could get him to like helping out around his own house too.) From a young age he's always been a leader, someone who likes to be in charge. He has a never ending appetite and an unending tank of energy. He's quirky, loves to tell jokes and just like his mother, dislikes being the center of attention or being in large groups of people. He has a strong dislike of getting his photo taken, so don't be surprised if he's not present in a lot of the photos I share. He's an amazing big brother, Emmitt swears he's his best friend, and an even better son. I so often have to remind myself he's only 10.

Peyton is our 7 year old "middle child"! He is quiet, but he is fierce. He is constantly exceeding our expectations in both school and athletics! He is an avid lover of sports including baseball, soccer, football and basketball. He has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever met and is always trying to share that with those around him. From a young age he would tell everyone that he loved them all the way to Pluto and back and from time to time, he'll randomly offer us hugs and tell us that he loves us. He loves to color and is frequently drawing pictures or making cards for people. Although he is extremely active in sports, he could sit and play video games for hours on end. (He recently told us that he wants to be a famous Youtuber when he grows up *insert eye roll from mom here*). He is stubborn, so so stubborn and is often times the instigator when it comes to his brothers.

Caleb is our 6 year old goofball! He brings a light and laughter to every room he enters. He is hyper and weird and lovable. He loves playing sports and has a natural talent unlike anything I've ever seen but a humbleness about it at the same time. He loves when we have dance parties and movie nights and he sings in the car to every song he hears (even if he doesn't know the right words). He is strong and brave and as an outsider, most people probably have no idea that he fights a terrible battle with his body everyday. Even though he is a Type 1 Diabetic and spends most days not feeling the greatest, he still puts on the biggest smile. I should also mention that he refuses to take a normal photo for anyone and is always trying to make funny faces or goofy smiles.

Last up is Emmitt, our 3 year old wild child! He is 110% all boy, is always covered in dirt and normally creating chaos. He is a sour patch kid who breaks something one minute and is saying sorry and giving you a hug the next. He is the biggest mommas boy and I'm savoring every second of it before he grows up and realizes parents aren't cool. When I say he's a wild child I am in no way exaggerating. He has always had a mind of his own and the most adventurous spirit. He's brave, beyond brave and has no fear when it comes to obstacles in his life. At 6 months old he decided to stand up and start walking and he's been running around ever since. He is probably the toughest kiddo we have and has no problem jumping into a wrestling match with his older brothers.

Separately, these boys have some of the most amazing personalities and when you put them all together, it becomes this wild and wonderful mix of chaos and fun. It's hectic and exhausting and I'll be honest, sometimes overwhelming, but it fills our lives with so much joy!


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